What an Awesome God we serve! Even when He tells us things we don't want to hear,we need to remember that He knows what is best for us. We are having a series of sermons this month on
unity and the text has come from Pauls letter to the church at Ephesus. We are blessed with a wonderful minister who is called to preach and he does it very well. Just before the service, my beautiful wife made the comment about a lady who sits a couple of rows in front of us who in a years time has never acknologed us with the least bit of proper politeness. We continued to talk about people who call themselves "Christian" but whose actions don't show it.
Now to my point, It just so happens that the sermon today was about being " imitators of God",
...." not to live as the Gentiles do... "Eph. 4:17. In my opinion, ( the gospel according to Adam ;-),
If we want to win our nation for Christ we must die to our worldly desires ....which means giving up OUR wants, whether in material "things"or our goals, which the world tells us to "Be all you can be" . The perfect car, house, clothes,career and popularity are things we must steer away from and seek God. God says to study His word "Diligently" God wants full reign of our lives and until we fully give in to what God wants for us and not what WE want,we will not impact our world as God calls us to do and most importantly, If we do not obey God in leaving the desires of the flesh we can not please Him.
I have personally been praying the "Prayer of Jabez" after reading the little book about that prayer written by Bruce Wilkinson, and I honestly have noticed God starting to work through me to His pleasure. During this upcomming "patriotic" week ask yourself " Have I led anyone to Christ lately?Do I love my country& am I willing to speak up and be heard and stand up for my rights? God has been SO good to America, we are so blessed, He DIED for us, the least we can do is LIVE for Him, Have a great Monday and God bless!